Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Updates and Decorations!

Well, on Monday our little Evelyn turned 2 weeks old! Seriously, I wish I could make time stop. She is just so sweet and little I want to keep her this way!

On Tuesday her umbilical cord decided it was time to let go. Since I hadn't taken a good belly picture, I wanted to hold on to the cord long enough to take a picture of it next to where it had been. I placed the "stump" on the bed and then carried on with changing Evelyn's diaper. When I turned around, the cord had mysteriously disappeared. However, Chandler was on the bed. It only took a second to realize that Chandler had consumed the cord and now he and Evelyn will forever share a rare bond. It made me want to laugh, cry and gag all at the same time. My mind immediately thought of my niece Emma who would go around telling people that their dog, Gabby, "ate my poop." Now Evelyn can share her gross story with strangers--when she starts talking! :)

Today was our 2 week well-baby check up and she passed with flying colors! She had not quite made it all the way back to her birth weight (just 2 ounces shy), but she has gained 12 ounces in 12 days--so the pediatrician says she's right on track! We don't have to return to the doctor again until her 2 month check up!

As for the rest of our time, mom and I have been busy getting the house Christmas-y! We even made a trip to Garden Ridge to get some wreaths for our outside shutters!! I plan on leaving everything up until Shaun returns so he can experience the Christmas spirit--and so he can help clean it up! :)Her very own ornament from Aunt Kiss

1 comment:

40-dayturnaround said...

I loved your blog--and now do not have to battle the "munchies!"