Thursday, July 30, 2009

Summer is flying by!

I hadn't realized that it has been more than a month since my last posting!! Bad blogger! So here is just a sampling of what has been going on with our family! :)
Evelyn is 8 months old now--I can't believe it! She isn't crawling (yet) but gets closer everyday! She loves to get into crawling position and then just push herself back into the sitting position! She now has her two bottom teeth and I think more will be arriving soon! She is such a sweet baby....we are such lucky parents!
We've been spending some time at our community pool! Seen here with her BFF Sydnee! :)
We went down to Wichita Falls for cousin Jenny's wedding--she was a beautiful bride!!
At the reception Shaun and Pops got a little crazy!
4th of July!! Our little sparkler!
Evelyn and I traveled down to Florida to visit the Rawleys! Evelyn loved playing with her cousins Emma and Kate!

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